Καλωσορίζουμε για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα την ανερχόμενη αθλήτρια & προπονήτρια Sabina Strastna από την Τσεχία, για ένα δυνατό agility workshop στο DogTime Club!

Λίγα λόγια από την καλεσμένη μας:

“I started my agility journey in 2008 with my poodle Endy. The hobby became a passion and then a fulltime job.
I am currently having 2 border collies, 6yrs old Taiva and almost 2yrs old Muki, both competing 🙂
I do love to train the technique into the smallest details, training all the skills separetely to get perfect understanding and speed on the course. I value a clear, simple and fair training system. I’m working on the handlers skills as much as the dogs to get the best from each team. 🙂🌟Qualified to AWC 2018, EO 2018&2019, WAO 2020
🌟Silesian Open 2020 2nd place in final
🌟Silesian Open 2020 1st place in agility individual
🌟Hungarian Open 2020 1st place in agility individual
🌟Moravia Open 2021 2nd place in final
🌟Moravia Open 2021 1st place in agility individual
🌟Slovenian Open 2021 1st place in agility individual
🌟Slovenian Open 2021 1st place in team jumping
🌟Slovenian Open 2021 2nd place in team final

Περιορισμένες θέσεις σε τμήματα αρχαρίων & προχωρημένων

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